
Best Practice #2: Create a Common Roadmap for Sales and Marketing Teams to Optimize Performance

April 25, 2024

In our series on Best Practices for Aligning Sales and Marketing teams, here is the second best practice we recommend:  

Have your Sales and Marketing teams develop shared goals and a common roadmap—you’llget better results.

Here’s an alarming stat - 57% of sales reps say they never have meetingswith marketing.

Source: SPIResearch.

Yet we expect sales and marketing to be working from the same playbook!

That’s why an integrated sales and marketing strategy must align on these keythings.
Take action and do these four things:

1) Understand business objectives and revenue  goals

2) Establish shared key performance indicators (KPIs)

3) Conduct joint pipeline reviews and cross-team trainingprograms

4) Create regular touchpoints to keep everyone on the samepage, headed in the same direction


Without clear alignment and coordinated hand-offs, sales and marketing teams waste time and resources, which can hurt results. Both teams, and the company overall, will benefit when a shared goals and common roadmap are established.
Understanding how sales and marketing operate is essential. 
As operators in the industry, we’ve been in yours hoes and understand the challenge. We can help your teams embrace the natural tension between sales and marketing and create a playbook that integrates sales and marketing operations for better execution and performance.

Want to brainstorm ideas?

Schedule a meeting with Will to discuss your unique approach.

Reach out to Will!