
Best Practice #3: The Importance of Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

April 25, 2024

Building on the first two best practices for aligning sales and marketing teams…
1  Aligning Sales & Marketing: Finding the Sweet Spot means increased sales, better execution2  Creating a Common Roadmap and Shared Goals optimizes performance
The third best practice we recommend is to make sure both your Sales and Marketing teams deeply understand the buyer's journey.

The B2B buying process is intricate and complex, involving multiple decision-makers with diverse needs and motivations. To gain buy-in from the entire group, your sales and marketing teams must work together to fully comprehend the buyer's persona and their current stage in the journey.

Create Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are the foundation of this understanding. They go beyond mere demographics and job titles, capturing the goals, challenges, frustrations, and needs of your target audience. With a comprehensive view of your buyers, you can:

• Tailor your strategies to their specific needs

• Enhance communication

• Gain insights that help you create content, perform market research

• Get your message to the right audience at the right time

• And ultimately drive sales and client satisfaction

Map the Journey

The buyer's journey typically includes several stages: awareness, consideration/education, evaluation, decision/purchase, and post-purchase retention. By mapping buyers' actions, thoughts, and emotions to each stage, you can create highly relevant and compelling content that resonates with them at every step.

Foster Collaboration

To truly meet buyer needs, sales and marketing must work together seamlessly, sharing data, insights, and resources. They must focus on goals that put the client at the heart of their plan and engage in constant, open dialogue with regular meetings and pipeline reviews.

Take a Buyer-Centric Approach

Buyers rarely follow a linear journey. They may move from your website to a salesperson's LinkedIn profile, to a video, and then to an event. By adopting a buyer-centric view, you can ensure that your content, conversations, and campaigns meet their needs at every touchpoint, regardless of the path they take.

By embracing these tips for fully understanding the buyer’s journey, you can continue to enhance the power and alignment of your sales and marketing teams, driving sustained growth and improving execution for your business.

In our next blog, learn how the balance of the marketing funnel and the sales process support the buyer’s journey.

Want to brainstorm ideas?

Schedule a meeting with Will to discuss your unique approach.

Reach out to Will!